“SEEKER is EPIC–a truly imaginative and entertaining YA Fantasy/Sci-Fi novel. Talk about some serious world building and a fascinating mix of genres. There was a little bit of everything going on here: high fantasy, science fiction, maybe even steampunk…? I’m in awe. Arwen Elys Dayton, you made it work girl!”
“Fast-paced and plot driven, without losing a sense of character development, Dayton’s writing will keep you hooked from the moment you open the book.”
“Every time I think I’m through with fantasy novels, I read one like Seeker that renews my faith in the genre. Seeker is everything I love about YA fantasy: a strong heroine, a well-developed cast of characters, a unique premise, and a fast-paced plot.”
“You need this book in your life. . . I cannot wait to see what happens in the next installment. I am left hanging on the edge of my seat because I know the next book is going to be explosive! And I mean the kind of explosive you know was coming after Katniss found out about the District not being dead!! Yes that explosive!”
“I have spent a year writing plenty of 4 star and above reviews. I think I actually forgot what it took to really knock my socks off. Then, I was offered Seeker.”
“At its heart, however, this story is a dark coming-of-age tale that examines three different responses to the disillusionment experienced when lies of childhood are revealed as frightening truths of a really messed-up adult reality.”
“This fantasy-scifi mash-up is part adventure, part coming of age story, and is one of the coolest, most unique stories we’ve read in a long time.”
“The language is strong, rich and varied and though the tale of revenge, romance and intrigue is as old as the hills, Dayton manages to weave this tapestry in a new and ingenious way.
“A fantastic job was done by Arwen Elys Dayton in creating characters and a book we could love and follow through an adventure far more exciting than our every day lives… and a little more dangerous!”
“My hats off to a very visually imaginative epic tale by Arwen Elys Dayton. This book had me hooked from page one!”
“Epic fantasy from start to finish… What better way to help a young reader learn the joy of imagination, than by giving them a tale that is not instant gratification, but a journey to a final end that cannot be seen?”
“While the plot delves into darker issues than many YA novels, Seeker stands alone as a tale of loss, PTSD, and a quest for personal justice and understanding.”
“Wow…okay this book immediately interested me. . . I’m a sucker for cool, unique weapons and a whip that turns into a sword fits that description perfectly.”
“What scares you the most and why?”
“The truth is that coffee and I care about each other very deeply and we will always be good friends and have lovely memories of each other, but we’ve mutually decided that we should live apart for a while.”
“If you could change ONE thing about your novel, what would it be? Why?”
“Which is worse: exploring the Great Pyramids by flashlight or living in earthquake country?”
“Seekers get some awesome weapons. As a major D&D nerd, I’m naturally intrigued by the whipsword.”
“If you were madly in love with your best friend, as Quin is, what’s one small tell you worry would give away your feelings entirely?”
“The most important part of becoming a writer is to write a lot. Write a lot, and don’t worry too much about what you’re writing at first. Just write.”
“If you were going to write a spin-off about one of your characters, who would it be and why?”
“Can you tell us a bit about your other book, Resurrection?”
Guest Posts
“Dear Fourteen-year-old Arwen”
“Spying for Your Characters”
“Taking a Blind Leap”
“Arwen Elys Dayton Talks “Seeker” and World Building in YA Fantasy”
“My Superpower”
“Five Books About False Identities”